The Virtual Reality and Game Design track within the K4B program integrates Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Development, Game Development and Design, 3D Animation and Visual Effects, and Software Development and Programming to prepare students for innovative careers in the VR, gaming, and digital entertainment industries. This interdisciplinary track equips students with the technical and creative skills to design immersive VR/AR experiences, develop engaging video games, create 3D animations and visual effects, and implement software programming for interactive environments. Coursework covers VR/AR development techniques, game design principles, 3D animation for immersive environments, and software programming for gaming platforms. The program emphasizes rigorous quizzing practices, including hands-on VR and game development projects, scenario-based design challenges, and interactive programming assessments to ensure mastery of VR, gaming, and animation technologies. Upon successful completion, students receive a Specialization Certificate in Virtual Reality and Game Design, accompanied by a detailed Courses Grade Report and a General Grade. Additionally, students are awarded Course-Specific Certificatesin areas such as VR and AR Development, Game Development and Design, 3D Animation and Visual Effects, and Software Development for Interactive Media. These certifications validate their expertise, enhancing employability in sectors such as game design, virtual reality development, animation, and software programming for digital entertainment.
- Manager: Apple Editor